What’s The point?

“The point of philosophy is to become a better person.” - Ryan Holiday, Stoic philosopher

Our philosophy is also the plan we will use to become a better person - “Be the hero of your own journey.”

The ideas that inspired this project are taken from the hero myths that have inspired generations of human beings for thousands of years. There’s a reason those stories have survived for so long. There’s a reason hero stories are still the most popular stories in the world. The myths and legends contain the wisdom of our ancestors. The icons that our ancestors held up for admiration are people who overcome fear, self-doubt, and second guessing in order to unleash their potential so that they can fulfill their sacred quest for courage, authenticity, and excellence. That’s who they are because that’s who we are, and our ancestors wanted us to remember that.

The desire to unleash one’s potential for excellence is a human universal. If you listen to children, they are eager to tell you all of the excellent things they will do when they grow up. If you reflect on your childhood, you will recall that you did the same thing. Most of us got beaten into apathy and/or cynicism because we didn’t know the path from potential to excellence. You may not be able to dunk from the free-throw line like Jordan, or run like Bolt, or sling a football like Brady, but you have your own unique set of gifts and skills, and you can contribute to a more hopeful future for the people you love.

Everyone has the potential for excellence, and the desire to unleash that potential. Your life is a sacred gift, and you have a sacred mission. Treat yourself that way, and treat everyone that way because the saddest thing in life is wasted talent.

When you align your decisions and actions with your relentless quest for authenticity and excellence, you will unleash your potential, you will master your craft, and you will accomplish your sacred mission.

It has to start somewhere. It has to start sometime. What better place than here? What better time than now?
— Zack de la Rocha

Destiny or despair?

Who are you? And what are you going to do about it?